

作为艺术家,杨始终在摄影、绘画等不同媒介及空间现场中切换其工作方法,在全球化、城市化与图像媒介的议题下探索对自我与社会的认知以及个体的生存境遇。自1998年以来,杨的作品参加了超过120个国际和国内艺术展览,包括第50届威尼斯双年展、第4届韩国光洲双年展、第34届法国阿尔勒国际摄影节、第二届和第四届广州三年展等,并被美国、英国、德国、法国等诸多国家重要美术馆、艺术中心和私人藏家所收藏。所获荣誉包括第34届法国阿尔勒国际摄影节年度新发现奖(2003)、荷兰KLM Paul Huf Award(2008)等。


2000年以来,杨勇以策展人身份进入公共实践领域,分别于2001年及2006年与朋友在深圳创办当代文化艺术沙龙“触进社”及艺术平台“E6空间”,于2010年参与第41届世界博览会深圳馆的策划,并在2015年成立兼具艺术介入城市发展研究、公共空间激活等综合能力的机构上启艺术(www.shangqiart.cn),深度致力于当代艺术、城市文化的传播与推广。杨的重要策展实践包括“深圳当代艺术双年展(BCA)”、“深港城市建筑双城双年展(UABB)” 、“欢乐港湾艺术计划”等不同规模与性质的展项。

Yang Yong graduated from the Sichuan Art Institute (Chongqing, China) in 1995, and currently lives and works in Shenzhen. 


As a multimedia artist, Yang makes his art mostly based on image-production and employs different approaches according to the environments, recounting the scenes and stories under the conditions of globalization. Since 1998, his work has been exhibited in over 120 exhibitions throughout the world, including Z.O.U. – Zone Of Urgency, the special exhibition at the 50th Venice Biennale (Venice, Italy); Pause: 4th Gwangju Biennale (Gwangju, Korea); 34th Rencontresd’Arles (Arles, France); the 2nd and 3rd Guangzhou Triennial (Guangzhou, China). And many pieces have been collected by major art museums, art centers and private collectors in countries such as the U.S., the U.K., Germany and France. He is the recipient of the Discovery Award of the 34th Rencontres d’Arles (2003), the KLM Paul Huf Award (Netherlands, 2008), etc.


In 2000, Yang started another career as a curator in the area of public practice. He co-founded TOUCH Society, a salon for contemporary art and culture, and SPACE E6, an art platform, with his friends in 2001 and 2006 respectively. In 2010, he participated in the curation of Shenzhen Pavilion in the 41st Shanghai Expo. In 2015, he founded Shangqi Art (www.shangqiart.cn), and deeply dedicated to disseminating and promoting contemporary art and urban culture. Yang’s major curatorial practices include exhibition projects of different scales and natures, such as Shenzhen Biennale of Contemporary Art (BCA), Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB) and OH Bay Art Project.